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Mahara 22.04: Search and support


photo of birds running on water

On 27 April 2022, the Catalyst team released Mahara 22.04, the latest version of the popular open source ePortfolio platform. This version of Mahara contains a variety of new features, in particular around searching for content and supporting learners more efficiently while they create their portfolios and use Mahara sites. For example, organisations can automatically upload files into learner accounts, portfolios submitted to Moodle can be passed to Ouriginal (formerly Urkund) for a similarity check, and accounts can be moved between organisations seamlessly via the SAML authentication option.

In its capacity as maintainer of the Mahara project, Catalyst publishes a new version of Mahara on behalf of the community every six months, with new features and enhancements to existing features. Catalyst, its clients, and other community members contribute to these new features and enhancements, translate the software into many languages, and support each other in the implementation of ePortfolios using Mahara.

The Catalyst Mahara team is proud to work with its clients and the wider community to provide Mahara and improve it continuously to meet the requirements of a diverse group of organisations all using ePortfolios, from schools and tertiary institutions to accreditation organisations and workplaces.

Watch the feature release video for a quick overview of highlighted new features and get in touch with us if you'd like to discuss how portfolios can fit into your organisation's learning ecosystem and see Mahara in action.