Open source transforms the digital experience for district plan users
03 Feb 2025, 8:00 AMCatalyst supports a local government client in transforming the digital experience for district plan information.
Catalyst supports a local government client in transforming the digital experience for district plan information.
The Tasman District Council partnered with Catalyst to upgrade their Silverstripe CMS, migrate to secure cloud hosting, and maintain uninterrupted site access throughout.
Learn how Athabasca University uses Mahara ePortfolios to remove a 'hand-in and done' approach, better supporting lifelong learning.
Discover how Griffith College in Ireland used Mahara to create a more connected and reflective learning experience for students and mentors.
Learn how Qualmark and Catalyst collaborated to transform Qualmark’s digital experience and operations using Silverstripe CMS.
Catalyst delivers a modern enterprise platform for the Ministry’s learner progress and assessment systems.
Ia, the world’s first Rainbow portal launched in September 2023, and a year on, we share the collaborative nature of the project between Rōpū kohinga and AUT.
Rōpū kohinga collaborated with five New Zealand libraries to future-proof the process of updating their catalogues on Te Puna and upstreamed the changes.
Learn how Orion improved their user experience by using Catalyst Starter.
Learn how AP Hogeschool Antwerpen and Catalyst enhanced SmartEvidence in Mahara to improve the user experience for educators and learners.
Learn how HWR and NZ Police have saved time, and improved the evaluation of heir drivers on the job using a Tōtara plugin called OJT (on-the-job training).
Catalyst supports Griffith College to set up Mahara SmartEvidence to enhance learner success.
Catalyst works with Monash University to innovate their Moodle learning management system.