Diversity and inclusion policy
Hei kaitukumahi haepapa e mahi ana puta noa i ngā hapori pūmanawa herekore ā-ao e hira ana te kanorau me te manaaki tangata i Catalyst.
E āhukahuka ana mātou, e whakanui ana, me te whakapau kaha ki te whakanui i te kanorautanga puta noa i tō mātou whakahaere.
E whai tonu ana mātou ki te hanga i te wāhi mahi kanorau ake mā te whakatairanga i te whiwhi ōritenga me te whai wāhitanga. Ko tā mātou e hiahia ana kia wāhi manaaki tonu a Catalyst i te katoa, kia whakaata anō hoki i ā mātou kaimahi i te kanorau o Aotearoa me te porihanga ā-ao.
Mā te whakatenatena i te piki tonu o te kanorautanga puta noa i Catalyst e āwhina ki te whakapoapoa me te pupuri i ngā kaimahi tautōhito, me te aha, ka pai ake ā mātou rongoā, otinga anō hoki mā ō mātou kiritaki.
Tā mātou tauākī kanorau
Kua here a Catalyst ki te whakamahi i ngā pūmanawa me ngā utauta herekore tino pai rawa o te ao hei whakarato i ngā otinga, rongoā hoki mā ō mātou kiritaki huri noa i te ao mō te 20 tau. I tua atu i tō mātou kaingākautanga ki ngā pūmanawa herekore, he kamupene mātou e ū ana ki ngā whai wāhitanga ōrite mō te katoa, ahakoa ngā āhuatanga takitahi o tēnā, o tēnā.
He tauira o aua āhuatanga ko te ira tangata, te pakeke, te ahurea, te hauātanga (ā-hinengaro, ā-ako, ā-tinana), te kapapori matawhenua, ngā reo kōrero, te tūnga mārena, ā-hoa rānei, te āhua ā-tinana, te mātāwaka, te whakapono, te tuakiri ira tangata, aronga taera rānei.
He aha ā mātou mahi hei whakatītina i te kanorautanga me te whakaatu manaakitanga?
- E tuku kōrero ana mātou mō tā mātou kaupapahere kanorautanga me te tuku hononga ki te kaupapahere katoa i ngā pānuitanga tono kaimahi katoa kia mōhio ai ērā ka whiwhi mahi pea i waenga i a mātou he mea hira te kanorautanga. E āta tuhia ana ā mātou pānuitanga tono kaimahi ki te whakaatu he wāhi mahi tēnei e manaakitia ai te katoa, mā te whakamahi pūmanawa ki te āta tirotiro i ā mātou kupu kei kitea he kupu aukati i roto.
- Kua whakarato whakangungu mātou ki ngā kaimahi mō te tono kaimahi kia piki ai tō rātou aweko ki ngā kupu, whakaaro aukati kia tino tōkeke rawa ka taea ngā tukanga tono kaimahi ahakoa he aha ō rātou kapapori.
- He kaha tā mātou whakatītina i ngā rōpū e iti nei te whai whakaaro ki ngā aramahi pea i te rāngai hangarau mōhiohio, ki te whai whakaaro ki te whai mahi i ngā pūmanawa herekore.
- He rarata ā-whānau mātou. Ko tā mātou he āwhina kaimahi ki te whakataurite i ngā haepapa ā-whanau me ngā haepapa mahi, tae atu ki ngā kōwhiringa mahi hangore.
- E whakarite ana mātou kia taurite tonu te tapeke o ngā ākonga wahine ki tō te tāne i tō mātou Catalyst Academy.
- Kua oti he arotake ā-roto hei whakarite kia tōkeke te pāpātanga e utua ai ā mātou kaimahi.
- E whakapāhunu ana mātou i te reo whakatoihara, reo aukati rānei.
- E mahi ana i te taha o ō mātou kiritaki ki te hanga pūnaha ka taea e te hunga kaimahi hauā ā-tinana.
- Ka whakarato i te whakangungu urutanga ki ngā kaimahi, ngā kiritaki me te hapori whānui.
- Ka whakarato i ngā wā ako reo Māori me te āta whakatenatena i te kōrero i te reo Māori i te wāhi mahi.
- Ka whakarato i ngā akoranga reo Ingarihi hei kōwhiringa ki ērā o ā matou kaimahi ko te reo Ingarihi tō rātou reo tuarua.
- E tautoko ana i ngā kaimahi e hou ana ki tō mātou ahumahi mā tō mātou Catalyst Academy, ngā tāhua mātauranga, me tō mātou hōtaka tauiratanga.
- Kua whakapuakina e ētahi o ā mātou kaimahi te whānuitanga o ngā kauwhau mō ngā kaupapa rerekē ā-ahurea, ā-ira tangata anō hoki.
He aha ā mātou mahi whai ake hei whakatītina i te kanorautanga me te whakaatu manaakitanga?
- Ka arotake tonu mātou i ā mātou panoni ki ngā tukanga tono kaimahi hou ki te whakarite i te pikinga tonutanga o te pai, ā, ka kohikohi urupare i ngā kaitono hei āwhina mai ki te whakaoti i ētahi atu whakapainga ina hiahiatia.
- Ka whai mātou ki te whakaatu i tō mātou kanorautanga nui ake i ngā tūnga kaihautū hei whakatītina i te kanorautanga i waenga i ngā kaitono mahi.
- Mā mātou he arotake ā-roto e whakahaere ki te whakarite i te pūrite haere tonu o ngā utu kaimahi, i ia toru tau i te iti rawa.
- Ka haere tonu ā mātou mahi aukati rawa i te whakatoihara, te nonotitanga rānei ahakoa he aha te momo, i ngā taumata katoa o te whakahaere.
- Ka whakatenatena haere tonu mātou i ētahi atu wānanga, mātauranga anō e pā ana ki ngā take kanorau (hei tauira, ā-tuihono, ā-tinana hoki)
- Ka whakarato i te hōtaka whakangungu koreutu e aro atu ana ki ērā rōpū kāore e tino kitea ana i tō mātou hapori hangarau.
- Ka whakaatu tūmatanuitia tēnei kaupapahere hei takohanga tāpiri mō mātou.
Mā wai e kawe te haepapa mō te kanorautanga me te manaaki tangata?
Mā ngā kaimahi katoa o Catalyst e noho haepapa ana ki te whakatenatena i te kanorautanga me te manaakitanga mā te whakaatu i te manawaroa, te whakaute me te arotau tētahi ki tētahi.
Mā ngā Kaiwhakataka me te Rōpū Whakahaere o Catalyst e haepapa ki te whakatairanga i te ahurea kanorau me te manaaki puta noa i tō mātou whakahaere.
Kei te Rōpū Tāngata Catalyst te takohanga mō te whakaemiemi i ngā mōhiohio tauanga tōtika mō tā mātou koke ki te kanorautanga nui ake, me te whakarite he wairua manaaki tō ngā tukunga whakahaere kaimahi.
Kei te hiahia whakamahi i tā mātou Kaupapahere Kanorau me te Manaaki i tōu anō whakahaere? Kua tukuna e mātou ki te CC BY-SA 4.0(external link)
As a responsible employer working across global open source communities, diversity and inclusion are important at Catalyst. We recognise, celebrate and seek to increase diversity across our organisation. We are working to build an ever more diverse workplace by promoting equality and opportunity. We want Catalyst to be welcoming and inclusive for everyone, and for our staffing to reflect the diversity of New Zealand and international society. Encouraging diversity across Catalyst helps us attract and retain great people, leading to even better solutions for our clients.
Our diversity statement
Catalyst has been dedicated to using the world’s best open source software and tools to deliver robust IT solutions for our clients all over the globe for 20 years. Along with our passion for open source, we are a company that is committed to equal opportunities for all, regardless of individual characteristics. Examples of these characteristics are gender, age, culture, disability (mental, learning, physical), geographic background, language(s) spoken, marital/partnered status, physical appearance, ethnicity, religious beliefs and gender identity or sexual orientation.
What are we doing to encourage diversity and ensure inclusion?
- We make reference to our diversity policy and link to the full policy in all job advertisements, so potential employees know that diversity is important to us. Our job ads are written specifically to be as inclusive as possible, using software to check our text for any possible bias.
- We have provided training for employees involved in recruitment to raise awareness of bias and how to ensure our recruitment processes are as fair as possible for applicants of all backgrounds.
- We actively encourage under-represented groups to consider careers in IT, especially in open source.
- We are family friendly. We help employees balance family and work responsibilities, including flexible work options.
- We ensure our Catalyst Academy consistently achieves an equal balance of female to male students.
- We have conducted an internal review to make sure we’re paying people fairly.
- We discourage language that is discriminatory or exclusive.
- We work with our clients to create systems that are accessible to physically challenged users.
- We provide accessibility training to staff, clients and the broader community.
- We provide Te Reo Māori language lessons and actively encourage use of Te Reo in the workplace.
- We provide optional English lessons for our employees who have English as a second language.
- We support new recruits to our industry through our Catalyst Academy, education grants and our internship programme.
- We have had Catalyst employees deliver a range of talks on different cultural and gender-related topics.
What will we do next to encourage diversity and ensure inclusion?
- We’ll further review the changes we have made to our recruitment processes to ensure we are always improving, and we will collect feedback from candidates to help us further improve where necessary.
- We’ll take steps to show our increased diversity in leadership roles in order to further encourage diversity in our job candidates.
- We’ll conduct internal reviews to ensure continued pay parity, at minimum on a three year cycle.
- We’ll continue to ensure discrimination or harassment of any kind is not tolerated at any level of the organisation.
- We’ll encourage further discussion and education on diversity issues (e.g. training delivered online and in person).
- We’ll provide a free training scheme aimed at those under-represented in our tech community.
- We’ll publicly display this policy for added accountability.
Who is responsible for diversity and inclusion?
All Catalyst employees are responsible for encouraging diversity and inclusion by treating each other with tolerance, respect and understanding. Catalyst Directors and Management Team are responsible for promoting a culture of diversity and inclusiveness throughout our organisation. Catalyst People Team is responsible for collecting appropriate statistical information on our progress towards greater diversity, and ensuring hiring and employee management processes are inclusive.
Want to use our Diversity and Inclusion Policy in your organisation? We have granted it with CC BY-SA 4.0(external link)