Trusted technology solutions for your physical and digital collections

Our team, Rōpū kohinga, work with you to ensure your records and collections can be managed and accessed sustainably and securely.

Talk to us
Wainui, Aleisha and Alex sit behind monitors and smile at each other as they work

We've partnered with libraries and organisations worldwide to help them care for their physical and digital collections

If you’ve got ideas for managing your collection, or are seeking advice on a new or existing library software initiative, we encourage you to talk to our team.

We specialise in open source software for libraries, collections, and archives

hands writing on notepads by laptop

Working with Rōpū kohinga

  • Collaborative, future-focused, and tailored to your collection’s needs.
  • Secure, scalable solutions for collections of all sizes, with data sovereignty guaranteed.
  • Reliable, New Zealand-based support and seamless third-party integrations.
  • Design and accessibility expertise to ensure the best user experience.
  • Full implementation support, training, and secure cloud hosting, enabling you to focus on your community.
Connect with us

Rōpū kohinga are Koha experts

Koha library management system is a community-driven project and the most widely used library system in the world. A New Zealand-born system originally designed by libraries for libraries, it can be used to manage and access collections of all types and sizes. With over 15 years of dedicated Koha support and innovation, you can trust our team to support your collections management needs.

With Koha, libraries of all types and sizes can enjoy the freedom, flexibility and security of the world’s most implemented library system. Plus, partnering with our dedicated team of Koha consultants and developers means you can leave the software and security concerns to us, and focus on delivering value to your customers.

  • Intuitive, easy-to-use, fully featured library management platform with many integration options.
  • Web-based admin and public catalogue interfaces – do it all in your browser.
  • Customise the public interface to align with your organisation’s visual brand.
  • Implemented by 18,000+ libraries and supported by a global community of software developers and library people.
  • Modern, flexible and future-proofed platform.
  • Open source, meaning free from vendor lock-in and licensing costs.
  • Tools for inventory management and reporting directly from the library database.
  • Enhancements and security fixes through regular upgrades.
  • Support for 40+ languages.

  • Submitting code enhancements and fixes on behalf of the libraries we support
  • Release management and maintenance roles
  • Facilitating training, workshops and user group meet ups
  • Overseeing an intake of Catalyst Open Source Academy high school students and interns.
  • Contributing to the annual Kohacon.(external link)

Catalyst is proudly a Tier 2 certified supplier of managed hosting and support on the DIA Marketplace.

Find us on the DIA Marketplace

Our library and archives success stories

Other collections software we can support

We welcome conversations about the challenges and opportunities your organisation is facing – our job is solving problems and creating the right solution for you. Whatever your collection contains, and however that collection needs to be cared for, accessed and presented, we're interested to learn more. 

We match technology recommendations not only to the requirements for the collection and system, but also to the people who will be maintaining it.

Tell us about the goals for your organisation and your team, and we’ll work with you on a plan for the technology.

Rōpū kohinga is based in Wellington, New Zealand. We’re happy to help with library management questions in person and online.

Connect with Rōpū kohinga