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Mahara extended security support


If your organisation can't move from an unsupported version of Mahara to a supported one, the Mahara project offers an option to extend support for your older version of Mahara for up to 3.5 years instead of the usual 1.5 years.

The oldest version for which the extended security support is currently offered is Mahara 19.10.

This premium service is priced at USD4,500 (annually).

Please note, if you are on an older version of Mahara than 19.10, do still get in touch with us, and we can discuss how we can support you.

Mahara illustration


Organisations purchasing this premium service will:

  • receive security updates for the Mahara code base when security issues are found for supported versions that affect their older version of Mahara
  • receive security updates for the Mahara code base when security issues are found for their older version of Mahara
  • be notified approximately one week in advance of a security release so staff can arrange their schedules around the update.

Organisations can continue receiving extended security support when they move to a supported version of Mahara and benefit from advance notification of upcoming security fixes to react swiftly and update their sites.

Mahara Illustration

To discuss this service further, just get in touch

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