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Local login indicated by the yellow box on the Catalyst demo site

Single Sign-On for Koha 2025

Learn how to set up single sign on in Koha using local login, OAuth 2.0 and OIDC, SAML, LDAP, REST APIs, and 2FA.

koha logo 150x150px

Release of Koha 24.11

Alex Buckley, Rōpū kohinga developer shares 16 new enhancements in the latest release of Koha 24.11.

 Alt text: A group photo of the Mahara project team at Catalyst smiling includes Kristina Hoepnner, Mahara project lead, Robert Lyon, Mahara technical lead,, Phil Sanity, senior developer, Doris Tam, developer, Yvonne Waterman, junior developerjoined by m

Who uses Mahara portfolios?

Insights on the value of community events and open source software from attending Mahara Hui.

Meet Diana Siwiak project and people manager. Smiling headshot of Diana

Meet Diana Siwiak

In this edition of "A Day in the Life at Catalyst" we meet Diana Siwiak, project manager and people manager.