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Catalyst's SAML Authentication Moodle Plugin

In Catalyst’s capacity as a Moodle Partner, we do a lot of work in the identity and authentication integration space. This means integrating Moodle and other existing applications, such as a CRM, Library services, Portals, Course catalogues, Webmail.

Pe5ky P@ssword$

The trick with making a good password is to have it so specific to you, that no one will be able to guess.

4 circles with different web accessibility challenges illustrated v2

Accessible web content for all

Web accessibility is about making sure that your web content can be understood, used, and enjoyed by people with disabilities. But there are specific situations where people who don't have disabilities can also benefit from accessible web content.

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Ansible on the Catalyst Cloud

The recent release of Ansible 2.0 brings first class OpenStack support, making Ansible a great match for both orchestration and configuration management on the Catalyst Cloud.

Being “in the zone”

At Catalyst we are really interested in 'being in the zone'. That's when the work we do with and for clients seems to be effortless, hugely rewarding for all parties, a pleasure to be part of.

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Kohacon15 - Ìbàdàn, Nigeria

Who would have thought, that a piece of software originally started in Wellington, New Zealand, would now be in use in almost every country in the world? I certainly didn't in 1999 when I first started work on Koha.

Open source training

In early 2013 our training programme was conceived. During the 2012 strategy day, lots of our people said they wanted more access to training.