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Previous order and Next order buttons show in the bottom right of the screen when editing received orders

Release of Koha 23.05

Rōpu kohinga is delighted to join the Koha community in celebrating the release of Koha 23.05. This release contains 26 new features, 145 enhancements and 701 bug and security fixes.

Notice about recalled item awaiting pickup v2

How to do recalls with Koha

The Catalyst Koha team is excited that Koha library software project introduced a built-in recalls feature in Koha 22.05, released in May 2022.

E resource management module link highlighted yellow on the Koha staff client home page after the ERMModule system preference is enabled.

Koha ERM module

Learn how to include electronic resources alongside physical collections in Koha with the ERM module.

Koha displayed on a laptop

Release of Koha 22.11

Rōpū kohinga is delighted to join the Koha community in celebrating the release of Koha 22.11 Rosalie. This release contains 13 new features, 351 enhancements, 554 bug and security fixes.